Return Policy

Return Conditions
  • We accept return requests made within 14 days after the purchase of the product.
  • The product must be in its original packaging, undamaged, and unused.
  • Please retain the purchase receipt or order number as proof of return.

Return Process

  1. Fill out the return form provided on our website within the specified return period. Make sure your order number and contact details are correct.
  2. We'll email you about our results within 1-3 business days after you submit the form, with step-by-step instructions for your return.
  3. Once you get our confirmation email, please securely package and ship the item back.You'll need to pay for the return shipping.   
  4. Upon receipt and confirmation that the item meets return conditions, we will process the refund.                                                                                 
Refund Policy
  • Refunds will be processed within 7 working days after receiving and inspecting the returned item.
  • Refunds will be issued using the original payment method.
  • Failure to return the item within the specified timeframe or if it does not meet return conditions may affect refund processing.
Special Cases
  • Certain items, such as personalized or custom-made products, may not be eligible for a full refund. Please contact customer service for more information.
  • In case of quality issues or shipping errors, we will cover the return shipping costs.
  • If the damage to the product resulted from customer mishandling, we regret to inform you that we are unable to proceed with the refund service.

    For any inquiries or assistance, please reach out to our customer service team. We are here to assist you.

    Contact Information: